7th International Course on Rigid and Flexible Uretero-Renoscopy
Rome, Italy 15-16th September 2011 Co-Directors: L.Defidio, Rome (IT) and A.Patel, London (UK) Download: 7th-RIRS-Roma
Rome, Italy 15-16th September 2011 Co-Directors: L.Defidio, Rome (IT) and A.Patel, London (UK) Download: 7th-RIRS-Roma
Directors: Prof. Lorenzo Defidio Chief of Department of Urology and Stone Center, Cristo Re Hospital, Rome Prof. Anup Patel Department of Urology, St. Mary Hospital at Imperial School of Medicine, London, UK Download: VI_corso_English
Roma, 4-5 Giugno 2009, Ospedale Cristo Re Direttori del corso: Prof. Lorenzo DEFIDIO (Direttore U.O.C. di Urologia - Ospedale Cristo Re - Roma) Prof. Anup PATEL (Department of Urology - St. Mary Hospital at Imperial School of Medicine - London…
Rome 30 November - 1 December 2007. Cristo Re Hospital. 4th International Course on Rigid and Flexible Ureteroscopy. Director: Lorenzo Defidio (Rome, Italy)
Rome 1 - 2 December 2006. Cristo Re Hospital. 3th International Course on Rigid and Flexible Ureteroscopy. Director: Lorenzo Defidio (Rome, Italy)
Rome 3 - 4 December 2004. Cristo Re Hospital. 2th International Course on Rigid and Flexible Ureteroscopy. Director: Lorenzo Defidio (Rome, Italy)
Rome 1 - 2 December. Cristo Re Hospital. 1st International Course on Rigid and Flexible Ureteroscopy. Director: Lorenzo Defidio (Rome, Italy)